If you plan to incorporate a business, you can save hundreds of dollars in legal fees by forming the corporation yourself! Attorneys generally charge $500 to $1,000 or more to incorporate a business. This kit includes all the documents and instruction you'll need to successfully incorporate your business, and is legal and valid in all states! Complete Kit
Forming a corporation is one of the easiest and most profitable legal matters an attorney can perform for a client. There are only a few documents which must be filed to set it up. This kit includes the documents needed to file with the Secretary of State in your state and full instructions. It discusses in detail exactly what a corporation is and the advantages of incorporating your business. In addition to the cost of this kit, you will need to pay state fees when you submit the documents. The fees vary from state to state, but average around $150.
A corporation is a business that is formed and authorized by law to act as a single entity although it is constituted and owned by one or more persons. It is legally endowed with rights and responsibilities, defined by the United States Supreme Court as "an artificial being, invisible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of the law."
Limited Liability - The liability of the owners is limited to the extent of their investment in the corporation (with the exception of unpaid taxes.) Creditors cannot attach property of the owners. The corporation can enter into contracts, sue and be sued without involvement of the owners.
Raising Capital - Capital can be raised more easily by selling shares of stock in the business.
Transference of Ownership - Ownership is more easily transferred since the owners' interest is represented by shares of stock. Shares can be easily distributed to family members.
Perpetual Existence - Because it is an independent legal entity, it does not cease to exist just because one of the owners dies or wishes to retire.
Retirement Plans - Retirement funds such as Keogh, 401k's, defined contribution plans, and other profit-sharing, pension and stock option plans offer greater benefits to corporations.
Tax options - There are many more tax options available to a corporation than any other form of business.
and many more!
Forming a corporation is one of the easiest and most profitable legal matters an attorney can perform for a client. There are only a few documents which must be filed to set it up. This kit includes the documents needed to file with the Secretary of State in your state and full instructions. It discusses in detail exactly what a corporation is and the advantages of incorporating your business. In addition to the cost of this kit, you will need to pay state fees when you submit the documents. The fees vary from state to state, but average around $150.
Paralegal Service. To use our Independent Paralegal Service to have a paralegal complete all the documents necessary for a Limited Liability Company, please see Limited Liability Company - Paralegal Service.