The Alpha NonProfit Corporation Kit, 2024, 7th Edition Paperback…...............…A complete Self-Help Legal Kit
The complete do-it-yourselNonProfit Corporation Kit with easytoprepare Articles of Incorporation for the establishment of either a Membership or NonMembership NonProfit Corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, plus, an easy to understand Instruction Guide.
This Alpha NonProfit Corporation Kit includes not only the professionally predrafted Articles of Incorporation, but also the forms necessary to manage the business activity of the corporation, as follows:
Other important and optional forms include:
The Instruction Guide outlines and explains in detail the following subject matters relevant to NonProfit Corporations, namely:
Paralegal Service. To use our Independent Paralegal Service to have a paralegal complete all the documents necessary for a Limited Liability Company, please see Limited Liability Company - Paralegal Service.